A short time ago we had our 12 month warranty inspection. We had only a small list of issues, the inspector found a few more but overall nothing major. All problems were fixed within a couple of days; yet another excellent Henley experience.
6 months ago we were broken into and a couple of computers stolen, the thieves just used a crow bar on the front door and walked right in. Even the police were surprised that the thieves had been so brazen. We found out the next day that our neighbour has been broken into 5 times over the past 20 years.
It wasn't long before we had a screen door installed, something of our own design to try and fit in with the front door.
We had already installed a side gate and stained it to match the front door. We quite like the horizontal slats and may use a similar design for the front fence when we finally have that done.
Last time we posted we had finished the concrete and decking around the house and pool just in time for Christmas. This year we have garden around most of the house, just the East boundary and very front still to do.
We now have garden beds along the front
Along the west boundary, including an area for a vegetable garden.
And of course around the pool. Its come a long way since November 2011!
Last but not least, in the extra garage width we installed some Rack It shelving from Bunnings, which was easy to install and is very sturdy. We might now be able to get both cars in garage at last.